Before shooting off to repair/install that antenna you will look up the weather forecast to check that the visit is viable, feasible?
Class | Wind Strength |
Calm | Less than 0.5m/s |
Light Air | 0.5m/s to 1.5m/s |
Light Breeze | 2m/s to 3m/s |
Gentle Breeze | 4m/s to 6m/s |
Moderate Breeze | 6m/s to 9m/s |
Fresh Breeze | 9m/s to 11m/s |
Strong Breeze | 9m/s to 15m/s |
Moderate Gale | 15m/s to 18m/s |
Fresh Gale | 19m/s to 22m/s |
Strong Gale | 22m/s to 26m/s |
Whole Gale | 26m/s to 31m/s |
Storm | 31m/s to 38m/s |
Hurricane | Greater than 39m/s |
Class | Visibility |
Dense Fog | Less than 45m |
Fog | 45m to 180m |
Slight Fog | 180m to 900m |
Mist | 1000m to 2000m |
Haze | 1000m to 2000m |
Poor Visibility | 2000m to 4000m |
Moderate Visibility | 4000m to 10000m |
Good Visibility | 10000m to 40000m |
Class | Height |
Stratus, Stratocumulus, Nimbostratus | Ground to 2500m |
Cumulus, Cumulonimbus | 500m to 2500m |
Altocumulus, Altostratus | 2500m to 6000m |
Cirrus, Cirrocumulus, Cirrostratus | 6000m to 12000m |