
Microwave engineer or plumber? It can be difficult to distinguish. My first industrial experience in the microwave world was using a machine to H bend L band waveguide into S shapes.

What is this metal I have?

Frequency (GHz) Internal (cm) EIA WR.. IEC R.. Cutoff (GHz)
0.32 - 0.49 58.420 x 29.210 2300 3 0.265
0.35 - 0.53 53.34 x 26.670 2100 4 0.281
0.41 - 0.625 45.72 x 22.86 1800 5 0.328
0.49 - 0.75 38.10 x 19.65 1500 6 0.393
0.64 - 0.96 29.21 x 14.605 1150 8 0.513
0.75 - 1.12 24.765 x 12.3825 975 9 0.605
0.96 - 1.45 19.558 x 9.779 770 12 0.766
1.12 - 1.70 16.510 x 8.225 650 14 0.908
1.45 - 2.20 12.954 x 6.477 510 18 1.157
1.70 - 2.60 10.922 x 5.461 430 22 1.372
2.20 - 3.30 8.636 x 4.318 340 26 1.763
2.60 - 3.95 7.2163 x 3.403 284 32 2.078
3.30 - 4.90 5.8166 x 2.909 229 40 2.577
3.95 - 5.85 4.7549 x 2.2149 187 48 3.152
4.90 - 7.05 4.0486 x 2.0193 159 58 3.711
5.85 - 8.20 3.4849 x 1.580 137 70 4.301
7.05 - 10.00 2.880 x 1.2624 112 84 5.259
8.20 - 12.40 2.286 x 1.016 90 100 6.557
10.00 - 15.00 1.9050 x 0.9525 75 120 7.868
12.40 - 18.00 1.58 x 0.790 62 140 9.426
15.00 - 22.00 1.295 x 0.6477 51 180 11.574
18.00 - 26.50 1.0668 x 0.4318 42 220 14.047
22.00 - 33.00 0.8636 x 0.4318 34 260 17.328
26.50 - 40.00 0.7112 x 0.3556 28 320 21.081
33.00 - 50.00 0.5659 x 0.2845 22 400 26.342
40.00 - 60.00 0.4775 x 0.2388 19 500 31.357
50.00 - 75.00 0.3759 x 0.1880 15 620 39.863
60.00 - 90.00 0.3098 x 0.1550 12 740 48.350
75.00 - 100.00 0.2540 x 0.1270 10 900 59.010
90.00 - 140.00 0.2032 x 0.1016 8 1200 73.800
140.00 - 220.00 0.1295 x 0.0635 6 2400 116.80