Fresnel Zone Calculation

Given the location of the transmitter and receiver, we calculate the first fresnel zone boundaries between the two. Having the fresnel zone overlayed on the terrain map we can see the possible multipath obstructions. However we do not take into account any buildings, forest etc...

As usual all results: AS IS, no responsibility assumed.

The Terrain Profile

LR Elevation Diagram

Tx Parameters:

Rx Parameters:


A single point obstruction can be defined at a distance from the TX and with the specified height.

The 1st fresnel zone is drawn with the zone variance (% of wavelength). Normally 60% but by default the full zone is drawn at 100%.

The refraction number defines (by default no refraction 1.00) how much the RF is refracted by the atmosphere, however refraction is highly variable with frequency, season, terrain type, hence the extreme range reliability is also very changeable. Usually 1.3 but use 1.0 for true 100% reception reliability.